Translation Business Management SystemAwtomated helps Language Service Providers to manage clients, projects and vendors at one place. We are the most affordable TBMS in the world. Book a Demo AS FEATURED ON: PROGRESS TRACKERTranslation Project ManagementGet any type of project from your clients, divide them into multiple tasks and assign them to vendors. Create and manage Unlimited Projects Create and manage Unlimited Tasks All files are managed within Project and Tasks SMART NOTIFICATIONVendor ManagementLSPs can onboard vendors, assign tasks and manage finances with the vendor. Exclusive Vendor Portal All task-related discussions within the task Seamless PO, Invoice and payment tracking PROGRESS TRACKERCustomer Relationship ManagementLSPs can manage sales, share estimates and see the history of businesses done together. Exclusive Client Portal Unlimited Deals & Pipeline Management Seamless Invoices and Payment tracking Finance ManagementManage your clients’ invoices, estimates and Vendors’ POs, invoices. Track payments in the process Leads ManagementGet leads directly from your website in Awtomated Translation MemoryExclusive Beta access to Translation Memory on self-hosting Advanced User RolesAssign permissions based on your team’s roles and responsibilities Multicurrency HandlingManage multiple currencies to your base currency for any client, project, vendor Dashboard & ReportsGet overview and insights into your business Why Awtomated?Most affordable TBMSthat works for youFrom winning a client to delivering successful translation projects, Awtomated will manage everything in between.Book a Free Demo K+ACTIVE USERS M+WORDS TRANSLATED +CLIENTS K+HOURS SAVED